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Assistant Professor - CUNEF Universidad

Welcome to my website!
I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Cunef Universidad
I work in the fields of Macroeconomics and Labor Economics. You can read more about my research here.
I was awarded the British Academy Special Research Grant: Covid-19 for the period 2020-2021. I was the recipient of La Caixa-Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Fellowships for the period 2015-2019. you can read more about me here
News! our project "Risks, Inequality and Mobility within and across generations” (joint with S.Rodriguez-Mora and J.Galvez) was awarded funding by the AEI-Proyectos de Generación del Conocimiento.
Cunef Universidad
department of economics
F4.1, C. de Leonardo Prieto Castro, 2
28040, Madrid (Spain)
aruggierimail [at] gmail [dot] com
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